Publicações e Apresentações
"Green Ports - Shore Power Supply State of the Art" | IEEE MELECON 2024 | Jun/2024 | |
- Portuguese Pilot (TSO/DSO Exchange of
Information for Operational Planning and Information for Congestion Management)" | EPRI European Workshop Week - 2024 | Abr/2024 | |
"Methodology For The Assessment Of The Behaviour Of Protection Functions In Transmission Grids With High Penetration Of Renewable Sources" | Conference on Developments of Power Systems Protections (DPSP 2024) | Mar/2024 | |
"Perspectives on Electric Vehicle Charging Station Planning in Distribution Networks: Promoter vs Network Operator" | ICPET 2023 - The 4th International Conference on Power Engineering | Dez/2023 | |
of the impact on the protection of transmission lines in grids with high penetration
of renewable energy sources" | PEPSC 2023 - Power Electronics and Power System Conference | Nov/2023 | |
"Artificial Intelligence applications in the energy sector" | EEIC2023 - 7th APEEN Annual Conference - Energy Economics International Conference | Nov/2023 | |
"Hydrogen infrastructures challenges at the EU level" | EEIC2023 - 7th APEEN Annual Conference - Energy Economics International Conference | Nov/2023 | |
"Deployment and Sizing of EVCS Clusters with RES and BESS from the Network Operator's Perspective" | IEEE PES ISGT Europe 2023 | Out/2023 | |
"Improving renewable energy integration with distributionally robust stochastic optimal power flow" | 22º Wind & Solar Integration Workshop | Set/2023 | |
"Assessment of potential problems on the behavior of protection functions due to the massive integration of wind sources in transmission networks" | 22º Wind & Solar Integration Workshop | Set/2023 | |
"Short term net load forecasting using computational intelligence techniques" | 7th E-Mobility Power System Integration Symposium | Set/2023 | |
"Solving Issues Of The Distribution Network Of Harstad (Norway) In Real Time Using Machine Learning-Based Observability To Place Flexibility Orders" | CIRED 2023 | Jun/2023 | |
"Short-Circuit Currents information exchange between DSO and TSO, an approach from the Portuguese demonstration of the ONENET project " | CIRED 2023 | Jun/2023 | |
"Forecasting for electricity grid planning: current challenges and future improvements" | CIRED 2023 | Jun/2023 | |
"All models are wrong, but some are useful: an exploration of confidence" | CIRED 2023 | Jun/2023 | |
"Analysis of the Interconnection Capacity Calculation Methodologies for the European Electricity Market" | ICPST 2023 - International Conference on Power Science and Technology 2023 | Mai/2023 | |
"Power losses in natural gas and hydrogen transmission in the Portuguese high-pressure network" | Elsevier -
Energy (scientific publisher) | Mar/2023 | |
"Prot4HiRes: Research on the key technology of relay protection for high permeability renewable energy delivery system" | 16º ETIP SNET Regional Workshop | Fev/2023 | |
"Generation of Coherent Pan-European Scenario Data" | 13º Internationale Energiewirtschaftstagung an der TU Wien (IEWT 2023) | Fev/2023 | |
"AI in the energy transition: results, challenges and opportunities" | AI & Big Data Expo Global | Dez/2022 | |
"Green Ports - Building a Shore Power Load Model for Simulation" | IPRECON 2022 - IEEE International Power and Renewable Energy Conference | Dez/2022 | |
Nodal Capacity Allocation Applied to a Spanish Distribution Network" | MEDPOWER 2022 - The 13th Mediterranean Conference on Power Generation, Transmission, Distribution and Energy Conversion | Nov/2022 | |
"PV very Short-Term Power Forecasting Method based on Cloud Monitoring Data" | WCPEC-8 - 8th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion | Set/2022 | |
"Analysis of the European day-ahead electricity market coupling mechanism: Discussion, modeling and simulation" | EEM2022 - 18th International Conference on the European Energy Market | Set/2022 | |
"FlexPlan: testing an innovative grid planning tool using European wide regional cases" | SEST 2022 - 5th International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and Technologies | Set/2022 | |
"The innovative FlexPlan methodology to reap the benefits of including storage and load flexibility in grid planning: methodology and regional study cases" | CIGRÉ Session 2022 | Ago/2022 | |
"Enhancing value creation in Energy Communities through flexibility management and network ancillary services provision empowered by blockchain and Artificial Intelligence" | European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ECEEE 22) | Jul/2022 | |
"Wind Power Forecasting with Machine Learning: Single and combined methods" | ICREPQ 2022 | Jul/2022 | |
"The Iberian System through coupled simulation of Electrical and Natural Gas network system" | International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Energy Technologies (ICECET2022) | Jul/2022 | |
"A Comparative Analysis of Deep Learning Architectures for Short-Term Load Forecasting: The Portuguese Time Series and the Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Model Performance" | IISA 2022 - Thirteen IEEE International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications | Jul/2022 | |
"Transmission Tower Classification Using Point Cloud Similarity" | 15th APCA International Conference on Automatic Control and Soft Computing (CONTROLO 2022) | Jul/2022 | |
"Circuit Breaker Condition Based Maintenance using Advanced Fault Detection and Analysis on COMTRADE Event Data" | 15th APCA International Conference on Automatic Control and Soft Computing (CONTROLO 2022) | Jul/2022 | |
"Coupled Simulation of Electrical and Natural Gas network system - the Iberian case" | ENERGYMEET2022 | Jun/2022 | |
"FlexPlan: a European project to investigate the role of flexible resources in the future power system" | ENLIT Website | Jun/2022 | |
"Cross-border flexibility prequalification of DER and EVs based on decentralized communication mechanisms for the distribution system operation" | CIRED 2022 | Jun/2022 | |
"Distribution network reactive power optimisation considering TSO/DSO coordination" | CIRED 2022 | Jun/2022 | |
"Grey-box model for identification of low-frequency oscillation modes - the Bulgarian case study" | CIGRE SEERC Colloquim 2022 | Mai/2022 | |
"Optimal mix of flexibility in long-term scenarios" | Osmose Project Webinar - Optimal mix of flexibility in long-term scenarios | Mai/2022 | |
"Increase cross-border capacity to reduce market splitting of day-ahead electricity markets - A dynamic line rating approach" | 2022 IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition (T&D) | Abr/2022 | |
"Fostering offshore wind integration in Europe through grid connection impact assessment" | Journal of Marine Science and Engineering | Abr/2022 | |
"The implications of the "EU Green Deal" package and the "Fit for 55" proposal for Capacity Mechanisms" | 5th Annual Capacity Mechanisms Forum | Mar/2022 | |
"A holistic approach to capture flexibility. The experience of OSMOSE" | Workshop on Energy System Flexibility | Fev/2022 | |
"Tecnologia e Centros de Excelência de Hidrogénio em Portugal e Brasil" | GESEL: Webinar International | Jan/2022 | |
"Aplicação do Dynamic Line Rating para minimizar o Market Split no MIBEL" | EVEx 2021 - Energy Virtual Experience (Academy) | Dez/2021 | |
"FlexPlan Regional Cases - highlighting the value of flexibility in grid planning" | Enlit Europe - Formerly European Utility Week and POWERGEN Europe | Nov/2021 | |
"Grey-box model for identification of low-frequency oscillation modes - the Bulgarian case study" | CIGRE SEERC Conference Vienna 2021 | Nov/2021 | |
"The FlexPlan regional cases: 6 study cases to check T&D grid upgrade needs till 2050" | ISGT Europe 2021 - FlexPlan Project Special Session | Out/2021 | |
"A Inteligência Artificial no suporte à gestão de infraestruturas críticas do país, o caso da energia" | Evento MeetOn - APDSI - Associação para a Promoção e
Desenvolvimento da Sociedade da Informação | Out/2021 | |
"Ancillary Services overview" | FleXunity Project Webinar "Network Ancillary Services and the future role of Energy Communities" | Set/2021 | |
"Cloud Height Estimation Using All Sky Imagers" | 38th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition | Set/2021 | |
"Implementation and testing of a conformance platform for IEEE 1901.1 Power Line Communication Standard" "IEEE 1901.1 Power Line Communication electromagnetic emission study" | IOPscience Journal, Volume 1983, 12/Aug/2021 | Ago/2021 | |
"AI.Forecast - Artificial Intelligence Based Architecture for Electricity Forecasting" | IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting | Jul/2021 | |
"Assessing the Performance of the IEEE 1901.1 Power Line Communication Standard using OMNeT++" | IPICS 2021 - IEEE International Conference on Power, Intelligent Computing and Systems | Jul/2021 | |
"Identification of clouds using a all-sky imager" | IEEE - PowerTech 2021 - "Power for the Sustainable Development Goals" | Jun/2021 | |
Storage: from value to markets" | IEEE - PowerTech 2021 - "Power for the Sustainable Development Goals" | Jun/2021 | |
"Os desafios da interconexão: A infraestrutura, capacidade e transporte" | ENERGYEAR PORTUGAL | Jun/2021 | |
"IEEE 1901.1 Power Line Communication electromagnetic emission study" | MEIE 2021 - 4th International Conference on Mechanical, Electric and Industrial Engineering | Mai/2021 | |
"Implementation and testing of a conformance platform for IEEE 1901.1 Power Line Communication Standard" | MEIE 2021 - 4th International Conference on Mechanical, Electric and Industrial Engineering | Mai/2021 | |
"Current trends in power systems developments and possible roles for SC devices" | 19th IEEE-PEMC - Cost Action 19108 "Hi-Scale" 1º WG3/4 industry-academia workshop on applications for HTS technologies in the electrical energy chain | Abr/2021 | |
"The Innovative FlexPlan Grid-Planning Methodology: How Storage and Flexible Resources Could Help in De-Bottlenecking the European System" | Publicação ENERGIES | Fev/2021 | |
"From Specification to the Substation. The OSMOSE Project Contribution to improve the IEC 61850 Engineering Process" | Revista PAC World, Dez/2020 | Dez/2020 | |
"Interpreter - Flexibility needs at system level and how RD&I projects are leveraging these solutions" | 25º Webinar da ISGAN Academy | Nov/2020 | |
"Energy forecasting using an ensemble of machine learning methods trained only with electricity data" | ISGT 2020 | Out/2020 | |
"Impact of the dynamic line rating analysis in regions with high levels of wind and solar PV generation" | ISGT 2020 | Out/2020 | |
"Grid capacity for floating offshore wind integration - The Portuguese Case" | RENEW 2020 | Out/2020 | |
"Digital substation testing with HIL Implementation of process bus and Line protection over MPLS" | RSEEC 2020 5th Edition | Out/2020 | |
"Implementation of a local flexibility market for solving network issues" | CIRED 2020 Berlim, Alemanha (evento virtual) | Set/2020 | |
"INTERRFACE: TSO-DSO-Consumer interface architecture to provide innovative grid services for an efficient power system, end users' requirements" | CIRED 2020 Berlim, Alemanha (evento virtual) | Set/2020 | |
"Digital substation testing with HIL: implementation of process bus and line protection over MPLS" | Workshop interno da ENTSO-E em "Digital substation" - RDIC (WG1 - Assets and Technologies) Bucareste, Roménia (evento virtual) | Set/2020 | |
"Considering flexibility in network expansion planning: present practices and regulatory conditions" | International Conference on the European Energy Market - EEM20 Estocolmo, Suécia (evento virtual) | Set/2020 | |
"Comparative Assessment of Demand Response Participation in Selected European Balancing Markets" | International Conference on the European Energy Market - EEM20 Estocolmo, Suécia (evento virtual) | Set/2020 | |
"Solar Power Forecast using satellite pictures" | 37ª Conferência e Exposição Europeia de Energia Solar Fotovoltaica EU PVSEC Lisboa, Portugal (evento virtual) | Set/2020 | |
"FLEXPLAN: A new Horizon 2020 project to include the contribution of storage and flexible resources in grid planning" | Conferência UPEC 2020 55th International Universities Power Engineering Conference Turim, Itália (evento virtual) | Set/2020 | |
"To socialise or not to socialise the cost of imbalances from non-programmable renewable generation" | CIGRE Session 2020 Paris, França (evento virtual) | Set/2020 | |
"Remote monitoring overhead lines using satellite images" | CIGRE Session 2020 Paris, França (evento virtual) | Set/2020 | |
"Optimizing nodal capacity allocation using risk assessment of element failure rate" | Conferência IEEE CPE-POWERENG 2020 Setúbal, Portugal (evento virtual) | Jul/2020 | |
"Improving grid security in the presence of a high penetration of RES through optimal planning and operation of distributed energy storage devices" | Conferência IEEE CPE-POWERENG 2020 Setúbal, Portugal (evento virtual) | Jul/2020 | |
"Testing of PAC solutions in HIL using Hypersim" | Conferência OPAL RFT-20 (evento virtual) | Jun/2020 | |
Flexitranstore - Special Session in the 21st International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering (ISH 2019) | Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering book series (LNEE, volume 610) | Jan/2020 | |
"BigDataOcean - explorando oceanos de dados para aplicações marítimas" | Renováveis Magazine, edição de Dezembro 2019 | Dez/2019 | |
"The Use of Probabilistic Forecasts" | Revista do IEEE Power and Energy, edição de Novembro/Dezembro 2019 | Out/2019 | |
"Survey Analysis on Existing Tools and Services for Grid and Market Stakeholders and Requirements to Improve TSO/DSO Coordination" | IEEE 2019 5th IEEE International Symposium on Systems Engineering Edimburgo, Escócia, Reino Unido | Out/2019 | |
"ETIP-SNET Vision 2050 - Integrating Smart Networks for the Energy Transition" | CIRED 25th International Conference on Electricity Distribution Madrid, Espanha | Set/2019 | |
"TDX-ASSIST: Beyond State of Art in TSO-DSO Interoperability - The Portuguese Demonstrator" | CIRED 25th International Conference on Electricity Distribution Madrid, Espanha | Set/2019 | |
"Synchrophasor based monitoring system for grid interactive energy storage system control" | ISH 2019 Conference International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering Budapeste, Hungria | Ago/2019 | |
"Zero Renewable Incentive Analysis for Flexibility Study of a Grid" | ISH 2019 Conference International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering Budapeste, Hungria | Ago/2019 | |
"Conflict of Interests between SPC-Based BESS and UFLS scheme frequency responses" | ISH 2019 Conference International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering Budapeste, Hungria | Ago/2019 | |
"The Current Status and Experience of Renewable Energy Development in Portugal" | Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC) 2019 Nanchang, China | Jun/2019 | |
"Study on the Demand and Requirements of Renewable Energy Primary Frequency Control" | Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC) 2019 Nanchang, China | Jun/2019 | |
"Fostering Offshore Wind generation through grid nodal capacity calculation" | WESC 2019 Wind Energy Science Conference (European Academy of Wind Energy) Cork, Irlanda | Jun/2019 | |
"Analysis and Inspiration of the National Load all Powered by Renewable Energy in Portugal" | ISGT ASIA 2019 Chengdu, China 21-24 May 2019 | Mai/2019 | |
"Improve the Solar Power Forecast using Cloud Index Algorithms" | CONIBEN - Cinferência Ibero-Brasileira de Energia Lisboa, Portugal 30, 31 Maio 2019 | Mai/2019 | |
"Forecasting PV/CPV at National Level - Portugal Experience" | Revista IET Renewable Power Generation Edição Especial intitulada "IET Solar and Wind Integration 2017 Special Issue" Volume 13, Número 1, 07 Janeiro 2019 | Jan/2019 | |
"A Methodology for Assessing the Impact of the Interannual Variability of Wave Energy Resource on Electrical Energy Conversion" | Conferência SEST 2018 | Set/2018 | |
"Evolutionary capacity allocation tool to safe grid integration of renewable energy sources" | Conferência SEST 2018 | Set/2018 | |
"Exploring the Market Value of Smart Grids and Interactions with Wholesale (TSO) and Distribution (DSO) markets" | 47ª Sessão Cigré (2018) | Ago/2018 | |
"Demonstration of new solutions for provision of ancillary services: Frequency and Voltage control" | 47ª Sessão Cigré (2018) | Ago/2018 | |
"The impact of shorter intraday market gate closure on regulation reserves" | 47ª Sessão Cigré (2018) | Ago/2018 | |
"Laboratorial assessment and scalability analysis of protection and automation functions supported by a smart substation process bus network" | 47ª Sessão Cigré (2018) | Ago/2018 | |
R&I Needs and Challenges for a Future Reliable, Economic and Efficient SG System Taking into Account Microgrids and Local Energy Communities do Support the EU Energy Transition | CIRED Workshop 2018 | Jun/2018 | |
"Market-based bidding strategy for variable renewable generation in the MIBEL" | 15ª Conferência Internacional de Mercado Europeu de Energia (EEM) 2018 | Jun/2018 | |
"Self-recovery mechanisms for IEC 61850 substations with process" | Conferência PAC World 2018 | Jun/2018 | |
"Co-Simulation for the Evaluation of IEC 61850 based Protection Schemes" | Conferência Power System Computation (PSCC) 2018 | Jun/2018 | |
"Solar Power Evolution in Portugal and forecast experience" | 3ª Conferência Photovoltaica | Fev/2018 | |
"Forecasting" | NextGen SCADA Europe 2018 | Jan/2018 | |
"Forecasting PV/CPV at National Level - Portugal Experience" | 7th International Workshop on the Integration of Solar Power into Power, Berlim, Alemanha | Out/2017 | |
"Trends is the automation and protection for smarter substations" | EuroDoble 2017 Colloquium Lisboa, Portugal | Out/2017 | |
"Market integration of renewables and multi-service storage applications"" | The 7th IEEE International Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (IEEE PES ISGT Europe 2017) Torino, Italia | Set/2017 | |
"Characterization of Substation Process Bus Network delays" | OMICRON Magazine for the power industry "IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics" - Issue 2, 2017 | Set/2017 | |
"Writing PACS specification towards a future-proof Digital Substation" | IEC 61850 Europe 2017 Amesterdão | Set/2017 | |
"Frequency stability modelling of the future continental Europe power system" | 52nd International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC2017) Creta, Grécia | Ago/2017 | |
"Assessing the Adaption of Stochastic Clearing Procedure to a Hydro-penetrated Market" | 14th Conference on the European Energy Market - EEM 2017 - Dresden, Germany | Jun/2017 | |
"Grid-driven tool for renewables integration based on nodal capacity allocation" | 23rd ICE/IEEE ITMC Conference - Funchal, Madeira, Portugal | Jun/2017 | |
"Big Data in Power Systems - Leveraging grid optimization and wave energy integration" | 23rd ICE/IEEE ITMC Conference - Funchal, Madeira, Portugal | Jun/2017 | |
"Stochastic optimal operation of concentrating solar power plants based on conditional value-at-risk" | 8th DoCEIS 2017 Conference - Caparica, Portugal | Mai/2017 | |
"Using the IEC 61850 formal description capabilities towards a vendor-independent PAC specification" | CIGRE Joint Colloquium ‘Building Smarter Substations' - Cidade do México, México | Nov/2016 | |
"Wind Power Curtailment Optimization for Day-Ahead Operational Planning" | IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe Conference - Ljubljana, Eslovénia | Out/2016 | |
"Integrated Simulation Model of Power System Protection Schemes and Process Bus Communication Networks" | Electrical Power and Energy Conference - Ottawa, Canadá | Out/2016 | |
"Probabilistic dimensioning of tertiary control reserve driven by the intermittency of renewable generation in Portugal" | Cigré Session 46 - Paris, França | Ago/2016 | |
"Enhanced testing platform for the Smart Substation" | PAC World Conference - Ljubljana, Eslovénia | Jun/2016 | |
"Siting and Sizing Dispersed Energy Storage in Power Transmission Networks" | IEEE Green Energy and Systems Conference 2015 - Califórnia, EUA | Nov/2015 | |
"Improving Power System Operation in the Presence of RES" | IO'15 - XVII Congresso da Associação Portuguesa de Investigação Operacional (APDIO)- Portalegre, Portugal | Set/2015 | |
"TSOs and DSOs Collaboration: The Need for Data Exchange" | 10th Jubilee International Conference on Deregulated Electricity Market Issues in South Eastern Europe (DEMSEE'15) - Budapeste, Hungria | Set/2015 | |
"Wind power forecast uncertainty using dynamic combination of predictions" | 10th Jubilee International Conference on Deregulated Electricity Market Issues in South Eastern Europe (DEMSEE'15)- Budapeste, Hungria | Set/2015 | |
"Improvements in wind power forecast" | IO'15 - XVII Congresso da Associação Portuguesa de Investigação Operacional (APDIO)- Portalegre, Portugal | Set/2015 | |
"Wind power forecast uncertainty using dynamic combination of predictions" | Publicação no Periodica Polytechnica Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 59 (3), pp. 78-83 | Ago/2015 | |
"Ensemble-Based Estimation of Wind Power Forecast Uncertainty" | EEM15 - 12ª Conferência Internacional do Mercado Europeu da Energia Lisboa, Portugal | Mai/2015 | |
"A joint research on the substation of future between Portugal and China" | Advanced Power System Automation and Protection Conference - Nanjing, China | Abr/2015 | |
"Planning Energy Storage in Power Transmission Networks" | IEEE Green Energy and Systems Conference 2014 - Califórnia, EUA | Nov/2014 |