Substation of the Future PROJECT [Jan/2013 - Dec/2016]

Smart Grids is becoming more than just a buzz word, within the electrical energy industry, especially when technology is making possible breakthroughs in the way old and new assets are operated and managed. 

Whilst transmission grid operators have been relaying on advanced and sophisticated network infrastructures, new challenges and smarter techniques urge to be assessed. 

The "Substation of the Future" project aims to define and demonstrate a new concept of substation secondary systems, namely, protection, automation, control, monitoring and metering, that may be adopted by transmission grid utilities, thru a research that outcomes a real-time testing platform for future smart+ generation substations. 

A new vision and technical specifications will be stated and developed based on high reliability, creativity, scalability, interoperability, normalization, easy management and maintenance requirements and foundations, supported on worldwide accepted standards and advanced ICT platforms, to provide cost-benefit optimization over the life span of the transmission grid assets.

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