Publications and Presentations

"Green Ports - Shore Power Supply State of the Art"IEEE MELECON 2024Jun/2024
 "ONENET -  Portuguese Pilot (TSO/DSO Exchange of Information for Operational Planning and Information for Congestion Management)"EPRI European Workshop Week - 2024 Apr/2024
 "Methodology For The Assessment Of The Behaviour Of Protection Functions In Transmission Grids With High Penetration Of Renewable Sources"Conference on Developments of Power Systems Protections (DPSP 2024)Mar/2024
"Perspectives on Electric Vehicle Charging Station Planning in Distribution Networks: Promoter vs Network Operator"ICPET 2023 - The 4th International Conference on Power Engineering Dec/2023
"Analysis of the impact on the protection of transmission lines in grids with high penetration of renewable energy sources"PEPSC 2023 - Power Electronics and Power System ConferenceNov/2023
"Artificial Intelligence applications in the energy sector"EEIC2023 - 7th APEEN Annual Conference - Energy Economics International ConferenceNov/2023
"Hydrogen infrastructures challenges at the EU level"EEIC2023 - 7th APEEN Annual Conference - Energy Economics International ConferenceNov/2023
"Deployment and Sizing of EVCS Clusters with RES and BESS from the Network Operator's Perspective"IEEE PES ISGT Europe 2023
"Improving renewable energy integration with distributionally robust stochastic optimal power flow"22nd Wind & Solar Integration WorkshopSep/2023
"Assessment of potential problems on the behavior of protection functions due to the massive integration of wind sources in transmission networks"22nd Wind & Solar Integration WorkshopSep/2023
"Short term net load forecasting using computational intelligence techniques"7th E-Mobility Power System Integration Symposium Sep/2023
 "Solving Issues Of The Distribution Network Of Harstad (Norway) In Real Time Using Machine Learning-Based Observability To Place Flexibility Orders"CIRED 2023Jun/2023
 "Short-Circuit Currents information exchange between DSO and TSO, an approach from the Portuguese demonstration of the ONENET project "CIRED 2023Jun/2023
 "Forecasting for electricity grid planning: current challenges and future improvements"CIRED 2023Jun/2023
 "All models are wrong, but some are useful: an exploration of confidence"CIRED 2023Jun/2023
"Analysis of the Interconnection Capacity Calculation Methodologies for the European Electricity Market"ICPST 2023 - International Conference on Power Science and Technology 2023May/2023
"Power losses in natural gas and hydrogen transmission in the Portuguese high-pressure network"Elsevier (editora cientifica)Mar/2023
"Prot4HiRes: Research on the key technology of relay protection for high permeability renewable energy delivery system"16th ETIP SNET Regional WorkshopFeb/2023
"Generation of Coherent Pan-European Scenario Data"13th Internationale Energiewirtschaftstagung an der TU Wien (IEWT 2023) Feb/2023
"AI in the energy transition: results, challenges and opportunities"AI & Big Data Expo GlobalDec/2022
"Green Ports - Building a Shore Power Load Model for Simulation"IPRECON 2022 - IEEE International Power and Renewable Energy ConferenceDec/2022
 "System-Wide Nodal Capacity Allocation Applied to a Spanish Distribution Network"MEDPOWER 2022 - The 13th Mediterranean Conference on Power Generation, Transmission, Distribution and Energy ConversionNov/2022
 "PV very Short-Term Power Forecasting Method based on Cloud Monitoring Data"WCPEC-8 - 8th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy ConversionSep/2022
"Analysis of the European day-ahead electricity market coupling mechanism: Discussion, modeling and simulation"EEM2022 - 18th International Conference on the European Energy MarketSep/2022
"FlexPlan: testing an innovative grid planning tool using European wide regional cases"SEST 2022 - 5th International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and TechnologiesSep/2022
"The innovative FlexPlan methodology to reap the benefits of including storage and load flexibility in grid planning: methodology and regional study cases"CIGRE Session 2022Aug/2022
"Enhancing value creation in Energy Communities through flexibility management and network ancillary services provision empowered by blockchain and Artificial Intelligence"European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ECEEE 22)Jul/2022
"Wind Power Forecasting with Machine Learning: Single and combined methods"ICREPQ 2022Jul/2022
"The Iberian System through coupled simulation of Electrical and Natural Gas network system"International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Energy Technologies (ICECET2022)Jul/2022
"A Comparative Analysis of Deep Learning Architectures for Short-Term Load Forecasting: The Portuguese Time Series and the Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Model Performance"IISA 2022 - Thirteen IEEE International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and ApplicationsJul/2022
"Transmission Tower Classification Using Point Cloud Similarity"15th APCA International Conference on Automatic Control and Soft Computing (CONTROLO 2022)Jul/2022
"Circuit Breaker Condition Based Maintenance using Advanced Fault Detection and Analysis on COMTRADE Event Data"15th APCA International Conference on Automatic Control and Soft Computing (CONTROLO 2022)Jul/2022
"Coupled Simulation of Electrical and Natural Gas network system - the Iberian case"ENERGYMEET2022Jun/2022
"FlexPlan: a European project to investigate the role of flexible resources in the future power system"ENLIT WebsiteJun/2022
"Cross-border flexibility prequalification of DER and EVs based on decentralized communication mechanisms for the distribution system operation"CIRED 2022Jun/2022
"Distribution network reactive power optimisation considering TSO/DSO coordination"CIRED 2022Jun/2022
"Grey-box model for identification of low-frequency oscillation modes - the Bulgarian case study"CIGRE SEERC Colloquim 2022May/2022
"Optimal mix of flexibility in long-term scenarios"Osmose Project Webinar - Optimal mix of flexibility in long-term scenariosMay/2022
"Increase cross-border capacity to reduce market splitting of day-ahead electricity markets - A dynamic line rating approach"2022 IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition (T&D)Apr/2022
"Fostering offshore wind integration in Europe through grid connection impact assessment"Journal of Marine Science and EngineeringApr/2022
"The implications of the "EU Green Deal" package and the "Fit for 55" proposal for Capacity Mechanisms" 5th Annual Capacity Mechanisms ForumMar/2022
"A holistic approach to capture flexibility. The experience of OSMOSE" Workshop on Energy System FlexibilityFeb/2022
"Tecnologia e Centros de Excelência de Hidrogénio em Portugal e Brasil" GESEL: Webinar InternationalJan/2022
Aplicação do Dynamic Line Rating para minimizar o Market Split no MIBEL" EVEx 2021 - Energy Virtual Experience (Academy)Dec/2021
"FlexPlan Regional Cases - highlighting the value of flexibility in grid planning" Enlit Europe - Formerly European Utility Week and POWERGEN EuropeNov/2021
"Grey-box model for identification of low-frequency oscillation modes - the Bulgarian case study" CIGRE SEERC Conference Vienna 2021Nov/2021
"The FlexPlan regional cases: 6 study cases to check T&D grid upgrade needs till 2050" ISGT Europe 2021 - FlexPlan Project Special SessionOct/2021
"A Inteligência Artificial no suporte à gestão de infraestruturas críticas do país, o caso da energia"MeetOn Event - APDSI - Associação para a Promoção e Desenvolvimento da Sociedade da InformaçãoOct/2021
"Ancillary Services overview" FleXunity Project Webinar "Network Ancillary Services and the future role of Energy Communities"Sep/2021
"Cloud Height Estimation Using All Sky Imagers"38th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and ExhibitionSep/2021
"Implementation and testing of a conformance platform for IEEE 1901.1 Power Line Communication Standard"
"IEEE 1901.1 Power Line Communication electromagnetic emission study"
IOPscience Journal, Volume 1983, 12/Aug/2021Aug/2021
"AI.Forecast - Artificial Intelligence Based Architecture for Electricity Forecasting"IEEE Power & Energy Society General MeetingJul/2021
"Assessing the Performance of the IEEE 1901.1 Power Line Communication Standard using OMNeT++"IPICS 2021 - IEEE International Conference on Power, Intelligent Computing and SystemsJul/2021
"Identification of clouds using a all-sky imager"IEEE - PowerTech 2021 - "Power for the Sustainable Development Goals"Jun/2021
"Energy Storage: from value to markets"IEEE - PowerTech 2021 - "Power for the Sustainable Development Goals"Jun/2021
"Os desafios da interconexão: A infraestrutura, capacidade e transporte"ENERGYEAR PORTUGALJun/2021
"IEEE 1901.1 Power Line Communication electromagnetic emission study"MEIE 2021 - 4th International Conference on Mechanical, Electric and Industrial EngineeringMay/2021
"Implementation and testing of a conformance platform for IEEE 1901.1 Power Line Communication Standard"MEIE 2021 - 4th International Conference on Mechanical, Electric and Industrial EngineeringMay/2021
"Current trends in power systems developments and possible roles for SC devices"19th IEEE-PEMC - Cost Action 19108 "Hi-Scale"
First joint WG3/4 industry-academia workshop on applications for HTS technologies in the electrical energy chain
"The Innovative FlexPlan Grid-Planning Methodology: How Storage and Flexible Resources Could Help in De-Bottlenecking the European System"Journal paper ENERGIESFeb/2021
"From Specification to the Substation. The OSMOSE Project Contribution to improve the IEC 61850 Engineering Process"PAC World Issue, Dec/2020Dec/2020
"Interpreter - Flexibility needs at system level and how RD&I projects are leveraging these solutions"25th webinar of the ISGAN AcademyNov/2020
"Energy forecasting using an ensemble of machine learning methods trained only with electricity data"ISGT 2020Oct/2020
"Impact of the dynamic line rating analysis in regions with high levels of wind and solar PV generation"ISGT 2020Oct/2020
"Grid capacity for floating offshore wind integration - The Portuguese Case"RENEW 2020Oct/2020
"Digital substation testing with HIL Implementation of process bus and Line protection over MPLS"RSEEC 2020 5th Edition Oct/2020
"Implementation of a local flexibility market for solving network issues"CIRED 2020
Berlin, Germany (virtual event)
"INTERRFACE: TSO-DSO-Consumer interface architecture to provide innovative grid services for an efficient power system, end users' requirements"CIRED 2020
Berlin, Germany (virtual event)
"Digital substation testing with HIL: implementation of process bus and line protection over MPLS"ENTSO-E internal Workshop on "Digital substation" - RDIC (WG1 - Assets and Technologies) 
Bucharest, Romenia (virtual event)
"Considering flexibility in network expansion planning: present practices and regulatory conditions"International Conference on the European Energy Market - EEM20
Stockholm, Sweden (virtual event)
"Comparative Assessment of Demand Response Participation in Selected European Balancing Markets"International Conference on the European Energy Market - EEM20
Stockholm, Sweden (virtual event)
"Solar Power Forecast using satellite pictures"37ª European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition
Lisbon, Portugal (virtual event)
"FLEXPLAN: A new Horizon 2020 project to include the contribution of storage and flexible resources in grid planning"Conference UPEC 2020
55th International Universities Power Engineering Conference
Turin, Italy (virtual event)
"To socialise or not to socialise the cost of imbalances from non-programmable renewable generation"CIGRE Session 2020
Paris, France (virtual event)
"Remote monitoring overhead lines using satellite images"CIGRE Session 2020
Paris, France (virtual event)
"Optimizing nodal capacity allocation using risk assessment of element failure rate"IEEE CPE-POWERENG 2020 Conference
(virtual event)
"Improving grid security in the presence of a high penetration of RES through optimal planning and operation of distributed energy storage devices"IEEE CPE-POWERENG 2020 Conference
(virtual event)
"Testing of PAC solutions in HIL using Hypersim"OPAL RT-20 Conference
(virtual event)
Flexitranstore - Special Session in the 21st International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering (ISH 2019)Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering book series (LNEE, volume 610)Jan/2020
"BigDataOcean - explorando oceanos de dados para aplicações marítimas"Renováveis Magazine, Issue of December 2019Dec/2019
"The Use of Probabilistic ForecastsIEEE Power and Energy Magazine (Issue of November/December 2019)Oct/2019
"Survey Analysis on Existing Tools and Services for Grid and Market Stakeholders and Requirements to Improve TSO/DSO Coordination"IEEE 2019 5th IEEE International Symposium on Systems
Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
"ETIP-SNET Vision 2050 - Integrating Smart Networks for the Energy Transition"CIRED
25th International Conference on Electricity Distribution
Madrid, Espanha
"TDX-ASSIST: Beyond State of Art in TSO-DSO Interoperability - The Portuguese Demonstrator"CIRED
25th International Conference on Electricity Distribution
Madrid, Espanha
"Synchrophasor based monitoring system for grid interactive energy storage system control"ISH 2019 Conference
International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering
Budapeste, Hungria
"Zero Renewable Incentive Analysis for Flexibility Study of a Grid"ISH 2019 Conference
International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering
Budapeste, Hungria
"Conflict of Interests between SPC-Based BESS and UFLS scheme frequency responses"ISH 2019 Conference
International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering
Budapeste, Hungria
"The Current Status and Experience of Renewable Energy Development in Portugal"Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC) 2019
Nanchang, China
"Study on the Demand and Requirements of Renewable Energy Primary Frequency Control"Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC) 2019
Nanchang, China
"Fostering Offshore Wind generation through grid nodal capacity calculation".WESC 2019
Wind Energy Science Conference (European Academy of Wind Energy)
Cork, Irlanda
 "Analysis and Inspiration of the National Load all Powered by Renewable Energy in Portugal"ISGT ASIA 2019
Chengdu, China
21-24 May 2019
"Improve the Solar Power Forecast using Cloud Index Algorithms"CONIBEN 2019 (Ibero-Brazilian Energy Conference)
Lisbon, Portugal
30, 31 Maio 2019
"Forecasting PV/CPV at National Level - Portugal Experience" IET Renewable Power Generation
Special Issue title as "IET Solar and Wind integration 2017 Special Issue"
Volume 13, Issue 1, 07 January 2019
"A Methodology for Assessing the Impact of the Interannual Variability of Wave Energy Resource on Electrical Energy Conversion" SEST Conference 2018 Sept/2018
"Evolutionary capacity allocation tool to safe grid integration of renewable energy sources" SEST Conference 2018 Sept/2018
"Exploring the Market Value of Smart Grids and Interactions with Wholesale (TSO) and Distribution (DSO) markets" Cigré Session 47 (2018) Aug/2018
"Demonstration of new solutions for provision of ancillary services: Frequency and Voltage control" Cigré Session 47 (2018) Aug/2018
"The impact of shorter intraday market gate closure on regulation reserves" Cigré Session 47 (2018) Aug/2018
"Laboratorial assessment and scalability analysis of protection and automation functions supported by a smart substation process bus network" Cigré Session 47 (2018) Aug/2018
"R&I Needs and Challenges for a Future Reliable, Economic and Efficient SG System Taking into Account Microgrids and Local Energy Communities do Support the EU Energy Transition"CIRED Workshop 2018Jun/2018
"Market-based bidding strategy for variable renewable generation in the MIBEL" 15th International Conference on the European Energy Market 2018 Jun/2018
"Self-recovery mechanisms for IEC 61850 substations with process" PAC World Conference 2018 Jun/2018
"Co-Simulation for the Evaluation of IEC 61850 based Protection Schemes" Power System Computation Conference (PSCC) 2018 Jun/2018
"Solar Power Evolution in Portugal and forecast experience" 3rd Photovoltaica Conference Feb/2018
"Forecasting" NextGen SCADA Europe 2018 Jan/2018
"Forecasting PV/CPV at National Level - Portugal Experience" 7th International Workshop on the Integration of Solar Power into Power, Berlim, Alemanha Oct/2017
"Trends is the automation and protection for smarter substations" EuroDoble 2017 Colloquium Lisbon, Portugal Oct/2017
"Market integration of renewables and multi-service storage applications"; The 7th IEEE International Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (IEEE PES ISGT Europe 2017) Torino, Italy Sep/2017
"Characterization of Substation Process Bus Network delays" OMICRON Magazine for the power industry "IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics" - Issue 2, 2017 Sep/2017
"Writing PACS specification towards a future-proof Digital Substation" IEC 61850 Europe 2017 Amsterdam, The Netherlands Sep/2017
"Frequency stability modelling of the future continental Europe power system" 52nd International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC2017) Creete, Greece Aug/2017
"Assessing the Adaption of Stochastic Clearing Procedure to a Hydro-penetrated Market" 14th Conference on the European Energy Market - EEM 2017 - Dresden, Germany June/2017
"Grid-driven tool for renewables integration based on nodal capacity allocation" 23rd ICE/IEEE ITMC Conference - Funchal, Madeira, Portugal Jun/2017
"Big Data in Power Systems - Leveraging grid optimization and wave energy integration" 23rd ICE/IEEE ITMC Conference - Funchal, Madeira, Portugal Jun/2017
"Stochastic optimal operation of concentrating solar power plants based on conditional value-at-risk" 8th DoCEIS 2017 Conference - Caparica, Portugal May/2017
"Using the IEC 61850 formal description capabilities towards a vendor-independent PAC specification"          CIGRE Joint Colloquium ‘Building Smarter Substations' - Cidade do México, México Nov/2016
"Wind Power Curtailment Optimization for Day-Ahead Operational Planning"       IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe Conference - Ljubljana, Eslovénia     Oct/2016
"Integrated Simulation Model of Power System Protection Schemes and Process Bus Communication Networks" Electrical Power and Energy Conference - Ottawa, Canadá Oct/2016
"Probabilistic dimensioning of tertiary control reserve driven by the intermittency of renewable generation in Portugal" Cigré Session 46 - Paris, França Aug/2016
"Enhanced testing platform for the Smart Substation" PAC World Conference - Ljubljana, Eslovénia Jun/2016
"Siting and Sizing Dispersed Energy Storage in Power Transmission Networks"IEEE Green Energy and Systems Conference 2015 - Califórnia, EUANov/2015 
"Improving Power System Operation in the Presence of RES"  IO'15 -  XVII Congresso da Associação Portuguesa de Investigação Operacional (APDIO)- Portalegre, Portugal Sep/2015
"TSOs and DSOs Collaboration: The Need for Data Exchange"  10th Jubilee International Conference on Deregulated Electricity Market Issues in South Eastern Europe (DEMSEE'15) - Budapeste, Hungria Sep/2015
"Wind power forecast uncertainty using dynamic combination of predictions" 10th Jubilee International Conference on Deregulated Electricity Market Issues in South Eastern Europe (DEMSEE'15)- Budapeste, Hungria Sep/2015
"Improvements in wind power forecast"         IO'15 -  XVII Congresso da Associação Portuguesa de Investigação Operacional (APDIO)- Portalegre, Portugal      Sep/2015
"Wind power forecast uncertainty using dynamic combination of predictions" Publicação no Periodica Polytechnica Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 59 (3), pp. 78-83 Aug/2015
"Ensemble-Based Estimation of Wind Power Forecast Uncertainty"  EEM15 - 12ª Conferência Internacional do Mercado Europeu da Energia Lisboa, PortugalMay/2015 
"A joint research on the substation of future between Portugal and China"Advanced Power System Automation and Protection Conference - Nanjing, ChinaApr/2015 
"Planning Energy Storage in Power Transmission Networks"  IEEE Green Energy and Systems Conference 2014 - Califórnia, EUANov/2014 

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