ENERGYGUARD (Jan/2025 - Dec/2027)
Digital Twins, Artificial Intelligence, Testing and Experimentation Facility
CARBON FOOTPRINT (Nov/2024 - Dec/2026)
Quantification of Carbon Footprint of Electrical Equipment Products Under the International Carbon-related Trading Mechanism
GENESIS - GREEN HYDROGEN (Nov/2024 - Nov/2027)
Planning and Configuration Technology for Renewable Energy Hydrogen Production System
Mechanisms supporting the integration of Renewable Energy in the electricity supply and in the market
Instruments for Carbon Emissions reduction: a focus on Green Certificates and the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism
STUNNED PROJECT (Nov/2024 - Apr/2028)
SisTemic mUltilevel optimized orchestratioN of energy maNagement systEms for resiDential, industrial and tertiary energy flexibility services
Research on Metrological Characteristics of Quantum Voltage Chip and Traceability Application Verification
U2-DEMO PROJECT (Sep/2024 - Feb/2028)
P2P Energy Sharing
ECLIPSE PROJECT (Sep/2024 - Aug/2026)
Energy Consumption reduction based on Open-source Reference framework
TWIN-EU PROJECT (Jan/2024 - Dec/2026)
Federation of Digital Twins for Europe
HEDGE-IoT PROJECT (Nov/2023 - Apr/2027)
Holistic Approach towards Empowerment of the DiGitalization of the Energy Ecosystem through adoption of IoT solutions
Grid4Energy PROJECT (Oct/2023 - Jun/2024)
Reception capacity available at the transmission network level in the medium and long term
WeForming PROJECT (Oct/2023 - Sep/2026)
Buildings as Efficient Interoperable Formers of Clean Energy Ecosystems
Aggregation PROJECT (Nov/2022 - Dec/2024)
Research on key Technologies of Distributed Flexible Regulation Resources Aggregation and Simulation
V2Grid PROJECT (Nov/2022 - Dec/2024)
Analysis of the impact of the interaction of electric vehicles to support electricity networks in a context of high penetration of RES
PRR – Next Generation Storage PROJECT (Nov/2022 - Dec/2025)
Enhance the battery sector in Portugal by bringing innovations across the value-chain.
INTERCAST - TSO/DSO/Consumer INTERface energy flow foreCAST
ENERSHARE PROJECT (Jul/2022 - Jun/2025)
Develop and demonstrate a European Common Energy Data Space which will deploy ‘intra-electricity’, ‘intra-energy’ and ‘cross-sector’ (or beyond-energy) services. Data Space; Energy Services; Cross-Sector (beyond Energy) Services.
GREENPORT PROJECT (Nov/2021 - Dec/2023)
Key technologies for Shore Power Supply and Operation Optimization Based on the Low-carbon Operation Mode of European Green Ports
Prot4HiRES PROJECT (Nov/2021 - Oct/2023)
Analysis of the impact of the high penetration of renewable sources on the performance of protection systems for transmission grids
FEVER “EV STORAGE” PROJECT [Oct/2021 – Oct/2023]
Research on EV, EVCS, BESS and distributed RES impact in distribution networks taking into considering the reality in Portugal and Europe
BD4NRG PROJECT [Jan/2021 – Dec/2023]
Big Data for Next Generation Energy
I-NERGY PROJECT [Jan/2021 – Dec/2023]
Artificial Intelligence for Next Generation Energy
RESUCIDEMO PROJECT [Jan/2021 – Sep/2022]
Demonstration of the RESUCI satellite-based services to support resilient and sustainable critical Infrastructures
MarCo PROJECT [Nov/2020 - Jul/2022]
Research on the Key Technologies of the European Electricity Market Coupling
OneNET PROJECT [Oct/2020 - Mar/2024]
TSO - DSO - Consumer: Large-scale demonstration of innovative grid services
UltraFOR PROJECT [Jan/2020 - Oct/2021]
Improve the very short-term forecast for solar PV
Wind Forecasting PROJECT [Jan/2020 - Oct/2022]
Improve the short-term forecast for wind power using multi-source data
High Speed Carrier PROJECT [Jan/2020 - Oct/2021]
Testing and Validation of MF High Speed Carrier Communication Standard Technology for Energy Internet (PLC)
Integrated Energy Systems PROJECT [Jan/2020 - Nov/2022]
Novel Integrated Energy System considering Cross-border Interconnection
FleXunity PROJECT [Oct/2019 - May/2022]
FleXunity – Scaling-up Power Flexible Communities business models empowered by Blockchain and AI
INTERPRETER PROJECT [Oct/2019 - Oct/2022]
INTERPRETER - Interoperable tools for an efficient management and effective planning of the electricity grid.
FlexPlan PROJECT [Oct/2019 - Mar/2023]
FlexPlan - Advanced methodology and tools taking advantage of storage and FLEXibility in transmission and distribution grid PLANning
INTERRFACE PROJECT [Jan/2019 - Dec/2022]
INTERRFACE - "TSO-DSO Consumer INTERFACE aRchitecture to provide innovative grid services for an efficient power system"
GIFT PROJECT [Jan/2019 - Dec/2022]
GIFT – Geographical Islands Flexibility
RESUCI PROJECT [Nov/2018 - Aug/2019]
RESUCI – Space-based services to support REsilient and SUstainable Critical Infrastructures
OPTIGRID PROJECT [Oct/2018 - Sep/2022]
OPTIGRID – Methodology for the Dynamic Line Rating Analysis and Optimal Management of Power Networks
OSMOSE PROJECT [Jan/2018 - Apr/2022]
OSMOSE - Optimal System-Mix of Flexibility Solutions for European Electricity
ARCWIND PROJECT [Nov/2017 - Apr/2022]
ARCWIND (Adaptation and implementation of floating wind energy conversion technology for the Atlantic region) aims to contribute to the transaction from fixed to floating wind platform systems for use in deep water and more exposed sites in the Atlantic Area by: the assessment of wind energy potential with a regional atmospheric model and remote sensed data; the study of different types of floating high power wind turbines numerically and experimentally; case studies of farms will be considered for cost assessment, logistics and maintenance planning as well as risk assessment.
FLEXITRANSTORE (An Integrated Platform for Increased FLEXIbility in smart TRANSmission grids with STORage Entities and large penetration of Renewable Energy Sources) aims to contribute to the evolution towards a pan-European transmission network with high flexibility and high interconnection levels.
SIMMRES PROJECT [Oct/2017 - Aug/2019]
Study on the impact of market mechanism to renewables consumption
TDX-ASSIST PROJECT [Oct/2017 - Oct/2020]
Coordination of Transmission and Distribution data eXchanges for renewables integration in the European marketplace through Advanced, Scalable and Secure ICT Systems and Tools
GRID4RES PROJECT [Oct/2017 - Aug/2019]
Stability Study on Grids with High Penetration of Renewable Energy Sources
RESFOR PROJECT [Oct/2017 - Aug/2019]
Renewable Energy Power Forecasting Model Research and Prediction Results Analysis
BIGDATAOCEAN PROJECT [Jan/2017 - Dec/2019]
Exploiting oceans of data for maritime applications
Building the Smart Substation of the Future
Integration of renewable energy sources in the electricity grid
Global Energy Interconnection PROJECT [Jan/2017 - Dec/2017]
Study of the energy interconnections in the Mediterranean region
ISSWINDemo Project [Mar/2016 - Mar/2018]
Integrated supporting services for the wind power industry
SMARTNET PROJECT [Jan/2016 - Dec/2016]
Improving the coordination between Transmission and Distribution Grids
SusCity PROJECT [Jan/2015 - Jun/208]
Urban data driven models for creative and resourceful urban transitions
Renewable Energy Dispatch Tools PROJECT [Jul/2013 - Dec/2016]
Renewable Energy Dispatch Tools
Power system simulation PROJECT [Jan/2013 - Dec/2016]
Power System Simulation
Energy Storage Planning PROJECT [Jan/2013 - Apr/2016]
Multi-Attribute Energy Storage Planning
Substation of the Future PROJECT [Jan/2013 - Dec/2016]
Substation of the Future